This Japanese comedian’s level of English is the standard level for Japanese!

Hi, I’m Shu Miyama!
Ever since I was a child, I have loved the Beatles, the Beach Boys, the Bee Gees, and Simon & Garfunkel, which my older brother used to listen to, and I still listen to them often.

I can’t speak English, read or write!

But I can’t hear English at all. I can hardly write English.
I rely on deepL to write this blog. I write the text in Japanese, translate it with deepL, and then copy and paste it.

I rely on deepL to write this blog.

At first, I thought of using Google Translate, but perhaps because Japanese has a different grammatical structure from English, Chinese, and most other languages, there is a considerable probability that Google Translate will give me an unintelligible translation.

deepL is a translation tool developed by a German company, and it seems to be excellent at converting Japanese into multiple languages.

I really wanted to be able to speak English fluently!

When I was a child, most of the 120 million people in Japan were Japanese, and there were very few English-speaking people in the country, so I had very few opportunities to come into contact with English.

The main focus of school education was on writing English, and speaking and listening were taught later.

And since there are no opportunities to use English in daily life in Japan, most of the English I learned as a student is forgotten. I think most people are like me.

In the first place, Japan’s population is 120 million, and business is domestically demanded, so there was no need to go out of our way to go abroad.

The English level of the Japanese comedian (Tetsuro Degawa) in the youtube video below is the average level of Japanese people. (The show is very funny!)

Japanese people are gradually becoming able to speak English.

However, Japan is now facing a “super-aging society” and a “declining population,” which are unparalleled in the world, and it is said that it will become increasingly difficult to do business only with domestic demand.

In addition, the economy has been in a recession (deflation) for a long time since 2000, and there is still no sign of recovery.

Therefore, as one of the measures to recover the economy, the Japanese government has launched various policies to “actively attract tourists from overseas,” in other words, to obtain foreign currencies.

As a result, the number of foreign tourists has increased dramatically over the past few years, and many foreigners are now coming to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and other major cities and historic towns.

The city of Shibuya in Tokyo, where the office of the company I run is located, has seen a dramatic increase in the number of foreigners walking the streets over the past few years, and has been transformed into a vibrant city with a rich international flavor.


Along with the policies of the Japanese government, the percentage of English in the education of Japanese people is also increasing. I believe that Japanese people who will grow up in the future will be able to read and write English better than our generation.

Japanese people are kind, but to live in Japan, you need a translation app!

However, many Japanese people still cannot read, write, or speak English as well as I can.

So, when you move to Japan, be sure to install a translation/interpretation app on your smartphone.

On the bulletin board at the entrance of the apartment building, you will find notices about daily life and various inspections.
Similarly, you will also receive various notices in the post box of your room.

However, it is only the wealthy apartments in the city center that provide notices in both English and Japanese.

Also, it is very unlikely that an adult Japanese like me will be able to use English fluently now.

And although Japanese people are very kind, many are shy and don’t try to communicate with people they don’t speak the language with gestures, and very few Japanese people have the communication skills of Tetsuro Degawa.

Tetsuro Degawa(Japanese famous comedian)

Most of the Japanese who have given up on mastering English are probably wishing that an app that automatically interprets in real time would be developed as soon as possible.

(Please let me know if you find anything wrong with the English in this column!)


こんにちは、深山 州 です!






下のyoutubeに出てくる日本人コメディアン(Tetsuro Degawa)の英語力が日本人の平均レベルだと思ってください。(番組はとても面白いです!)








また、私のような大人の日本人が、今から英語を流暢に使いこなせるようになるとはとても思えません。また、日本人はとても親切ですが、多くの日本人は恥ずかしがり屋で、言葉が通じない人と身振り手振りでコミュニケーションを取ろうとする人は少ないです。Tetsuro Degawa のようなコミュニケーション力がある日本人ではとても少ないです。




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